How Long to Boil Green Scallops?
"The maximum boiling process for clams is an average of 15 minutes or until the shells open themselves," said Yasa. After the clams are finished boiling, you can immediately filter and sauté with cooking spices according to taste. Processing green mussel meat for too long can make it tough.
How Long to Cook Peeled Scallops?
If the shells have opened, immediately turn off the heat. cook cook clams only 4 minutes. If you boil the clams for too long, the meat will become tough and shriveled.
How to Clean Green Scallops?
How to clean green mussels so that they are safe for consumption, there are still many people who are hesitant to process green mussels themselves at home. choose fresh green scallops. 2. Wash under running water. 3. Soak the green scallops with salt. 4. Use cornstarch. brush shell and rinse water. 6. Boil green mussels with spices.
How to Cook Scallops?
How to make peeled clams in oyster sauce, wash clean, peeled clams, drain. heat some oil. stir-fry seasoning slices, bay leaves, and galangal until fragrant. add scallops and cayenne pepper. add oyster sauce, salt, sugar, flavoring, and sweet soy sauce. stir well. Add the spring onions, cook until slightly wilted. lift.
- -1/2kg green scallops
- -1 stalk lemongrass
- -2 cm geprek ginger
- -2 sheets of lime leaves
- -1 sheet of bay leaf
- -1 pc onion sliced
- -1 pc tomato cut 6
- -3 tbsp chili sauce
- -2 tbsp oyster sauce
- -1 tbsp sweet soy sauce
- -salt, sugar, mushroom broth to taste
- -less water
Ground spices
- -20 pcs red mixed red chili
- -5 cloves bamer
- -4 cloves baput
- -2 candlenuts
- -1/2 tsp pepper
How to cook
- - wash the green scallops... set aside. I just jump right in. clams can be boiled first with lemongrass ginger, if it's hard to clean the dirt
- -Heat the oil, add the onions, cook until fragrant, add the ground spices, together with the tomatoes, lemongrass, ginger, bay leaf, lime leaves. cook until the spices are really cooked
- Add water, add chili sauce, oyster sauce, and sweet soy sauce. add salt, sugar, mushroom broth to taste, let it boil
- Then add the clams, stir until well blended and boil again
- -cook until all the shells are open, the water is slightly thickened, and cooked
- -Serve
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