What's the name of Ceker Dimsum?
Kompas.com - usually when eating at a dimsum restaurant, there is always clawed dimsum or what is commonly referred to as chicken leg angsio.
What are the Benefits of Chicken Feet for the Body?
The benefits of chicken feet for health improve endurance. The nutritional content of chicken feet includes various minerals such as copper, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, and calcium. rejuvenate the skin. Chicken feet are rich in collagen which is good for the skin because of its ability to form cells. accelerate wound healing.
Steps for Processing Chicken Feet?
5 easy ways to make chicken feet, the results are soft and the spices are absorbed by using fresh chicken feet. see photo. 2. Soak the claws in hot water. 3. Stir the claws with enough vinegar. 4. Boil chicken feet for 1 hour. Soak the chicken feet in cold water.
What Food Products Can Be Processed From Chicken Feet?
Chicken claws are now created into various types of food. ranging from sweet, spicy, to gravy. 12 processed chicken claws, there are firecracker claws and barbeque claw dimsum. 2. Check the red spice. 3. Strawberry claw. kwetiau claw spicy gravy. chicken curry rice. 6. Spicy claw curry. 7. Check to cook soy sauce. other items•
Seasoning for boiling
- 4 pcs Lawang flower / deaf
- 4 cloves of garlic, flatten
- 2 sticks Cinnamon@5 cm
- 2 segments Ginger peeled & thinly sliced
- 2 stalks spring onions cut into 3cm
- 1 tbsp Cooking Vinegar
- 2 tbsp palm sugar
- 3 tbsp soy sauce
- 1/2 tsp white pepper powder
- 11/2 liters of Water
- Seasoning for frying:
- 2 tbsp Sesame Oil
- 2 tbsp soy sauce
Sauce Ingredients
- 5 cloves garlic, finely chopped
- 3 pcs red chili, seeds removed & sliced lengthwise
- 2 tbsp oyster sauce
- 1 tbsp Sesame Oil
- 2 tbsp tomato sauce
- 2 tbsp chili sauce
- 1 tbsp Gochujang/Doubanjiang (sy,homemade)
- 2 Tbsp coarsely chopped tausi (skip)
- 3 tbsp sugar
- 1/2 tsp white pepper powder
- 1/2 tsp cooking vinegar
- 200 ml of boiled water claws
- 5 pcs red chili, boiled & mashed (my doctor, so that the red is beautiful)
Other Ingredients
- Enough ice cubes, for soaking
- Finely sliced scallions
- Roasted white sesame
- 4 tablespoons red chili powder + 3 tablespoons glutinous rice flour, mix & add 6 tablespoons soy sauce + 1.5 tablespoons sugar + 2 tablespoons vinegar + 4 tablespoons water + 5 cloves of grated red onion, mix well. Store in an airtight container & room temperature to ferment
How to make
- 1. Rub chicken feet with coarse salt, add lime juice. Wash & drain.
- 2. Didihkan air & bumbu utk merebus, masukkan ceker ayam. Rebus hingga empuk,tiriskan. Tambahkan minyak wijen & kecap asin, rendam 15 menit. Goreng ceker ayam dlm minyak panas hingga kecoklatan (tutup wajan, krn minyak bs berloncatan).
- 3. Rendam ceker dlm baskom yg berisi air & es batu, hingga ceker mengembang (3-4 jam)
- 4. Saus: siapkan wajan, masukkan semua bahan saus, aduk rata. Masak hingga mendidih & mengental,koreksi rasa. Masukkan ceker ayam,aduk rata. Angkat.
- Sajikan hangat dg taburan daun bawang & wijen.
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