Every person should know how to cook, and especially how to cook safely. Everyone has different dietary restrictions, so no one should be afraid to experiment with different recipes, and find the ones that suit them best. There are a few basic ingredients that are always needed in recipes: water, oil, salt, and pepper. Other ingredients, like herbs and spices, can be used to add flavor and also to provide health benefits.
1. Prepare a saucepan, add teak leaves then young jackfruit, add ground spices, bay leaf, galangal, brown sugar, salt, sugar, powdered broth. Then pour the thin coconut milk. Cook on low heat until the coconut milk shrinks.
2. Pour the thick coconut milk and add the boiled egg. Stir evenly. Cook again over low heat until the coconut milk is absorbed and the jackfruit is tender, and brown in color. You can add enough water if the jackfruit is not soft.
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