Every person should know how to cook, and especially how to cook safely. Everyone has different dietary restrictions, so no one should be afraid to experiment with different recipes, and find the ones that suit them best. There are a few basic ingredients that are always needed in recipes: water, oil, salt, and pepper. Other ingredients, like herbs and spices, can be used to add flavor and also to provide health benefits.
1. Prepare the mortar / mortar stone, mash the sweet dried shrimp, onion, garlic, cayenne pepper and ginger. set aside
2. Pound the sweet potato leaves, rimbang and kecombrang until smooth. set aside
3. Pour the water into the pan, add the onion mixture that has been mashed earlier, add the bay leaves, lemongrass, and galangal. Cook over medium heat until it boils.
4. After boiling, add the mashed sweet potato leaf mixture, add salt, and mushroom broth if using, mix well. cook about 5 minutes.
5. Pour in the thick coconut milk, stir well, let it boil for a while, correct the taste, remove and serve.
6 Good luck and hopefully useful
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