Every person should know how to cook, and especially how to cook safely. Everyone has different dietary restrictions, so no one should be afraid to experiment with different recipes, and find the ones that suit them best. There are a few basic ingredients that are always needed in recipes: water, oil, salt, and pepper. Other ingredients, like herbs and spices, can be used to add flavor and also to provide health benefits.
Mix the ground spices + 400-500 ml mix well and then strain.
Ingredients for Unti/Coconut sugar
500 g brown sugar combed
2 tbsp sugar
400 ml water
1/2 pc grated coconut
2 slices of ginger
A little cinnamon
The method
1. Wash the white rice and white glutinous rice, then drain
2. Prepare a frying pan, add the two rices, thick coconut milk and then the water with the mixture of spices and mix well. Add salt, lemongrass, lime leaves, mix well. Taste correction
3. Cook/aronin until dry or half cooked then steam until cooked/fluffy. Done
4. Pour the water into the pan, add all the ingredients except for the sugar and cook until the water shrinks, then add the sugar and stir until a little dry and crystallized. Taste correction
5. Serve yellow rice with coconut, can be shaped / printed according to taste. Serve
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