What does Lontong Cap Go Meh consist of?
Lontong cap go meh consists of lontong, soybean powder, opor ayam, and sambal godok which add to the savory taste of this dish.
What is Cap Go Meh?
Cap go meh means a celebration that takes place 15 days after the Chinese New Year. kontan.co.id - Cap Go Meh 2022 is celebrated on Tuesday, February 15, 2022. Cap Go Meh means 15 days or nights after the Lunar New Year.
Lontong Cap Go Meh What Day?
Even though it is a dish that comes two weeks after the Chinese New Year or during the cap go meh, now lontong cap go meh is also often served anytime. So, how did the lontong cap go meh come from, which is often served 14 days after the Chinese New Year or to be precise, the 15th day of the 1st month of the Chinese calendar?
What is the relationship between Chinese New Year and Cap Go Meh Lontong Food?
By serving and eating lontong cap go meh on Chinese New Year, Chinese people believe that they will get luck, fortune, and prosperity. It's not only the side dishes that have a philosophy, the presentation of this lontong also has a deep meaning, you know!
Chicken Opor Ingredients
- 3/4 kg Chicken, cut into 5
- 1 btg Lemongrass, geprek
- 2 cm Galangal geprek
- 2 lbs of lime leaves
- 2 lbs bay leaf
- 2 cm Cinnamon
- 100 ml thick coconut milk
- 350 ml Water
- Salt & Sugar
- Ground spices :
- 7 btr red Bwg
- 3 cloves of white Bwg
- 1/4 tsp Pepper
- 1/4 tsp Roasted Coriander
- 1/4 tsp Cumin
- 2 cm Ginger
- 1 cm Turmeric
- 3 pieces of roasted hazelnut
Fried Sambal
- 150 gr Potatoes, diced & fried
- 250 gr chicken gizzard liver, boiled & cut into 2
- 1 btg Lemongrass geprek
- 1 lb bay leaf
- 2 lbs of lime leaves
- 2 tbsp thick coconut milk
- Map sckpnya
- Salt
Ground spices
- 6 btr red Bwg
- 2 cloves of white Bwg
- 5 pcs curly red chili
- 1 cm Galangal
- 2 pcs roasted candlenut
- 1/2 tsp Ebi
- 1/2 tsp brown sugar
Pindang Eggs
- 6 pcs boiled eggs, peeled
- 3 pcs Sliced Onion
- 1 clove garlic sliced
- 2 tbsp soy sauce
- 1 tsp brown sugar
- 2 lbs bay leaf
- Salt
- 200 ml Water
Young Papaya Vegetables
- 400 gr young papaya, cut into matchsticks. Give salt, squeeze so that the sap comes out & let sit for 20 minutes, wash
- 2 lbs bay leaf
- 5 cm Galangal geprek
- 150 ml thick coconut milk
- 400 ml Water
- Salt
- Ground spices :
- 6 pcs Shallots
- 3 cloves of Garlic
- 1 tsp Ebi
- 5 pcs curly red chili
- 1 tsp Brown Sugar
- Rice cake
- Fried onion
- Prawn crackers
- Chilli sauce
How to make
- 1. Chicken Opor: saute ground spices until fragrant, add lemongrass, galangal, lime leaves, bay leaf, cinnamon, stir until the spices are cooked. Enter the chicken, stir until it changes color, pour in the water & cook until it boils. Pour in the thick coconut milk & salt, mix well. Adjust the taste, cook until it boils while stirring so that the coconut milk doesn't break.
- 2. Sambal Goreng:tumis bumbu halus smpai harum, masukkn daun jeruk, daun salam, aduk smpai bumbu matang. Tmbhkn petai, aduk smpai layu.Tuang santan kental,aduk. Masukkn hati ampela, kentang &garam,aduk rata.Koreksi rasa, masak smpai kering dg api kecil.
- 3. Telur Pindang: campur semua bahan,rebus hingga meresap.
- 4. Sayur Pepaya Muda: tumis bumbu smpai harum, masukkn daun salam,lengkuas,aduk smpai harum.Masukkn pepaya, aduk.Tuang air,masak smpai pepaya empuk.Tuang santan kental, garam,aduk smpai mendidih.Koreksi rasa
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