Every person should know how to cook, and especially how to cook safely. Everyone has different dietary restrictions, so no one should be afraid to experiment with different recipes, and find the ones that suit them best. There are a few basic ingredients that are always needed in recipes: water, oil, salt, and pepper. Other ingredients, like herbs and spices, can be used to add flavor and also to provide health benefits.
Note: the amount of seasoning is adjusted according to the number of ingredients used
How to Make Spicy Oseng Pare Shrimp
1. Cut the bitter gourd then add 1 tsp salt and squeeze. Let stand for at least 5 minutes or until the water comes out, then wash again while squeezing and draining (the goal is that the bitter gourd is not bitter)
2. Saute the ground spices until cooked, add seasonings such as salt, sugar and mushroom broth, stir evenly
3. Enter bitter melon, give a little water and stir again
4. After the bitter gourd is slightly soft, add the shrimp, stir again
5. After everything is cooked, correct the taste and it's ready to be served
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