How is Topokki Writing?
Tteokbokki (Korean: ) is a Korean dish of rice flour cooked in a spicy and sweet gochujang seasoning.
What is Tteokbokki Made of?
Topokki is a typical Korean snack made from rice flour. Topokki is processed using gochujang seasoning which has a sweet spicy taste. called tteok because this snack is made in the shape of a rod or cylinder. This is one of the popular foods that Korean people like to eat.Is tteokbokki halal? Tok-Poki is an instant tteokbokki that has received halal assurance from the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI).
How much does tteokbokki cost?
Daftar harga tteokbokki terbaru mei 2022 produk harga mujigae topokki tteokbokki rp46.000 tteokbokki, topokki oppa original rp22.000 tteokpokki cheese chilkab mozarella tteokpokki 500gr rp116.890 tteokbokki 500gram halal topokki rp20.750 6 baris lainnya
- 150 gram topokki
- 100 gram odeng
- 200 ml air putih
- Sauce (takarannya sesuaikan selera)
- 1 batang daun bawang pre
- Biji wijen
- Gochugaru / chili flakes (sesuaikan selera)
- Cuci bersih topokki
- Rebus topokki kemudian tambahkan sausnya, masak beberapa saat kemudian masukkan odeng & bawang pre, masak hingga kuah mengental
- Jika sudah mengental, sajikan dgn taburan topping
- Jika suka lebih pedas kalian bsa tambahkan cabai bubuk yak
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