How to make anchovy stew?
How to make crispy anchovy chips: mix rice flour, sago flour, ground spices, and coconut milk until smooth. add egg yolks, chilies, and lime leaves. heat the cooking oil in a deep frying pan. take a spoonful of vegetable dough. flush the peanut brittle with hot oil until it sag into the frying pan.
What Are the Seasonings for Fish Curd?
Ingredients 250 gr small fish. 8 tbsp rice flour. enough water. ground spices: 4 red onions. 3 cloves of garlic. 2 pecans. 3 tsp coriander. other items•
- 200 gr rice flour
- 100 ml thick coconut milk
- 200 ml water
- 100 gr anchovy field (soak in hot water, drain)
- 100 g peanuts (wash and drain)
- 1 egg
- 10 sheets of lime leaves (sliced 2)
Ground spices
- 3 cloves bwng pth
- 2 segments kencur
- 3 pcs candlenut
- 1 tsp turmeric powder
- 1 tsp coriander powder
- 1 tsp salt
- Mix all the ingredients, mix well then fry, there must be plenty of oil and when it is fried the oil should be hot
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