What to Cook Minced Beef?
Minced meat dishes menu 1.opor tofu stuffed with minced chicken. 2. Sweet and savory beef satay. 3. stir-fry the minced meat beans. 5. Grilled Mushroom Ground Chicken. 6. Minced meat steamed egg. 7. Chicken dumplings. 8. Minced chicken dreadlocks. 9. brongkos minced meat. other items•
Ground Beef Should Be Washed?
"Beef should not be washed or cleaned with water because it will make the meat shrivel," said Prasetyo, quoted from kompas.com news, Saturday (25/7/2021).How long to steam minced meat? Steam -20-25 minutes until cooked.
Processed Beef What?
6 recipes for processed beef, guaranteed moms will be addicted! smoked beef. beef beans. green chili beef. simple bulgogi without coconut milk. beef teriyaki. sweet dry beef jerky.
- 3 pieces of white tofu, cut into squares
- 100 gr ground beef, season with soy sauce
- 5 prawns, coarsely chopped
- 2 cloves chopped garlic
- 1 stalk of spring onion
- 1 tbsp oyster sauce
- 2 tbsp soy sauce
- 1/2 tsp sugar
- 1 tsp sesame oil
- Salt, pepper
- Cornstarch solution
- 1. Fry the meat until it changes color. Add the garlic, fry until fragrant.
- 2. Put tofu, give spices. Stir well.
- 3. Pour water until half stir fry, stir well, let it boil. Add prawns, cook briefly.
- 4. Thicken with cornstarch solution. Cook until it explodes.
- 5. Add the scallions and sesame oil. Lift.
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