How to Make Tofu Cakes?
How to make white tofu cakes, puree tofu, mix with eggs and other spices except cooking oil. stir well. Heat plenty of oil over medium heat. Form the dough into balls with the help of two teaspoons. Fry in hot oil and plenty of it until golden brown. lift and drain.
What's the Best To Cook White Tofu?
10 recipes for processed white tofu that are delicious and appetizing tofu with peanut sauce. Ingredients: how to make it: Pepes tofu. ingredients: how to make it: omelette tofu. Ingredients: how to make it: stir-fry tofu. Ingredients: how to make it: tofu pok pok. ingredients: how to make: mun tofu dori. Ingredients: tofu steak. Material: Rolled Tofu. material: other items
Tofu Cake Ingredients
- 2 pieces of chinese tofu
- 120 gr corned beef
- 100 gr bread flour
- 1 clove of onion, coarsely chopped
- Pepper to taste
- Salt, sugar and mushroom broth to taste
- enough oil
How to Make Tofu Cakes
- 1. Cut the tofu, then squeeze the tofu with a cloth so that the water comes out. Separate the tofu that has been squeezed and crushed. (I know it's half dry)
- 2. Saute onions until fragrant, set aside to cool. Mix the tofu with sauteed onions, bread flour, celery leaves and then add pepper, salt, sugar and mushroom broth. Mix well
- 3. Round shape and flatten. Heat a non-stick frying pan, add a little oil, put the tofu into the pan and cook until one side is dry then flip. ( pan seared) . Lift and turn off the fire
- 4. Tofu cakes are ready to be served
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